
My name is Madison Knaack and if you can’t tell I prefer the aesthetic of typing in all lowercase, unfortunately that isn’t appropriate for a college class. I’m from Cleveland, Ohio and I’ve been here all my life. I’m a 19 year old sophomore studying Public Relations with a double minor in Advertising & Marketing. I have a very minimalistic style that sometimes comes across as lazy, it isn’t, I promise.

With this blog I essentially just need to use it for DSCI 10310. Who knows though, I may love it and continue to post once the class ends.

I’m interested in my cat, Khaos, he’s my actual son but more on him later. I also will talk forever about the summer camp I work at, it’s easily my favorite place in the world. I can talk for hours about Greek or Roman mythology as it is a hobby of mine to learn as much as I can about it. I’m a bit of a nerd and will talk Marvel movies with you all day long (unpopular opinion but Doctor Strange is my favorite). I’ve volunteered for the Cleveland APL since 6 years old as a foster family and it happens to be where Khaos was adopted from, if you learn anything from this page it should be to adopt, not shop.

When it comes to my career I’d like to work with social media. I’d like to run social media pages for different companies. I am considering going to law school and studying Intellectual Property law. We’ll see if I ever get there. I’d like to relocate to the West Coast for my work, somewhere like Oregon or Washington.

the camp i attended for 6 years and now work for
my son part 1
my son part 2 (he likes bags)
me,, i feel super weird about posting a photo of myself but i mean if you want a better idea of what i look like follow my instagram i guess? you don’t have to that’ll just make it feel less awkward for me (@madisonknaack)

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