Audio Story Final

My topic is obviously all about me, and the only person who knows me better than I know myself is my dad. My dad and I are best friends, he knows everything about me. So, to find out more about me, who better to ask than myself and my dad. He was more than willing to answer all my questions. I think he was cool to interview because he can remember my life before I can remember it. My earliest memory is from around 8 years old, whereas he can remember my whole life. The “storyline” of questions does go in order of my age. I wanted listeners to feel a personal connection with being able to hear about me from a young age from not only me, but a parental figure that has a calming voice like my dad. It builds the foundation for a personal connection, and makes me seem more accessible and human rather than just an internet presence.

I first used the Notes app on my iPhone to write down 9 questions that I could use for this assignment, but I didn’t let myself write down the answers because I didn’t want to sound too rehearsed or prepared. I didn’t actually prepare myself for any of the questions. I asked myself the question and said the first thing that came to mind. I then used the Voice Memo app on my iPhone to record all of the voice clips I used. I recorded my dad’s voice on the same app. I then input them into Adobe Audition and converted them all from a .m4a to .wav, as .m4a was not compatible. I used mainly the razor tool to cut the “ums” and most “likes” out. I had to split almost all of the clips in order to do so. I also faded the music in and out as best I could.

After receiving my critiques I worked more with the fading of the music, but the music I chose was already somewhat faded when I got it. So it was slightly difficult to work with, I like the music a lot though so I didn’t want to change it. If this were a professional project, I would change the music. But I really liked this music. I did also try to cut out the rest of the “likes,” but some of them meant “as if.” Overall, I’m happy with the outcome and like Audition much more than the other programs. I loved being able to collaborate with my dad on the project and work with the program to manipulate the outcome to what I wanted it to be. I really liked it.

Link to music:

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