Draft Video

So I’d like to start by saying this isn’t my best work. I was originally going to submit this as my final project, but it just didn’t feel right. It feels very undone and I don’t know if it’s because of the style I used or the length. It just didn’t feel right. It is a one minute video that has the same style as my final project, but it doesn’t have a storyline or subject to the video at all. It’s random clips from my room and of me that I took and smashed together condensed into one minute. I took pretty seriously that my subject of my site is all about me, so I made it just random stuff in my room rather than adding random clips of friends that I love or my family members. I used cmd+k to split the clips, unlinked the audio on the VoiceOvered clips, and just a lot of moving around of the clips. I could have done more for sure.

I wish I knew more about Premiere Pro so that I would have been able to add effects. I really wish that I had made this longer, which I end up doing for my final project, because it was just too short. The problem there is that I don’t know what I would’ve put in the empty space that I had with 2 minutes left. I could have made longer clips of my cat, but there’s only so much I can say about him or a corner of my room. I added a “storyline” to my final project because this really was pretty aimless. I didn’t have much to say, and the time constraint of 3 minutes max. was way too short for me to be able to coherently tell a story. I think that another problem of mine is that I’m not a fan with sharing my life with people I don’t personally know. My social media accounts are mainly private, so the idea that a classmate I don’t know was going to watch this made it super impersonal and awkward to watch.

This video could have potential if I had spent more time thinking about how to go about it, which is totally on me for not dividing my time up well between work, being sick all week, and my other classes. If I were to sit down and think out how to do it, it could have been much more entertaining.

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