Final Video

As I was late to critiques (I really dropped the ball these past few weeks) I critiqued my own video. It was awful. Like, absolutely terrible. So I extended the time for the video from 1 minute, to the maximum of 3. As I was editing the 1 minute video I realized how little you can fit in. I did keep my original idea to VoiceOver as I am really bad in front of a camera, and with how fast paced this needed to be I just had to have as much time as I needed to re-record the VoiceOver so I could keep it down to what I needed but still have the vital information. I used my phone to record the clips, a couple of which were over a minute long, that I ended up having to cut down using cmd+k to split the clips. I recorded the VoiceOver on my phone as my laptop microphone wasn’t working well.

I chose to do “get ready with me for work” because I actually did need to get ready for work. If the time limit was about 5 minutes and I didn’t actually need to get ready for work, I probably would have chosen to do a normal makeup “tutorial” (I use tutorial loosely, I’m definitely not a makeup expert I just like it a lot.) I did do this last minute as I was going to submit the draft as my final project, but then realized I was not proud of the final result. I love the end result of this one. I talk like I do in the video in my day-to-day life. I’m very dry and sarcastic, so I like the way I was able to showcase that better than I was able to do with the audio only project. I say at the end, “Hope you had fun, I didn’t.” I was originally going to cut out the “I didn’t,” but that really is how I talk and it made me laugh so I kept it in. I actually did have fun making it and editing it. I will admit the whole project should’ve been my draft and I could have improved on it a lot, but in the end my knowledge of Premiere Pro is limited so it would have taken an immense amount of trial and error, and I was already frustrated enough.

In the end I really do like Premiere Pro, but I am used to using iMovie to edit projects. I like iMovie better because it is a lot simpler. I feel more comfortable with the interface. That being said, I feel as if I were to take a 7 week course strictly on how to use Premiere Pro, I would use this program more. It has some cool features I’d like to familiarize myself with in my spare time.

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