Final Video

As I was late to critiques (I really dropped the ball these past few weeks) I critiqued my own video. It was awful. Like, absolutely terrible. So I extended the time for the video from 1 minute, to the maximum of 3. As I was editing the 1 minute video I realized how little you can fit in. I did keep my original idea to VoiceOver as I am really bad in front of a camera, and with how fast paced this needed to be I just had to have as much time as I needed to re-record the VoiceOver so I could keep it down to what I needed but still have the vital information. I used my phone to record the clips, a couple of which were over a minute long, that I ended up having to cut down using cmd+k to split the clips. I recorded the VoiceOver on my phone as my laptop microphone wasn’t working well.

I chose to do “get ready with me for work” because I actually did need to get ready for work. If the time limit was about 5 minutes and I didn’t actually need to get ready for work, I probably would have chosen to do a normal makeup “tutorial” (I use tutorial loosely, I’m definitely not a makeup expert I just like it a lot.) I did do this last minute as I was going to submit the draft as my final project, but then realized I was not proud of the final result. I love the end result of this one. I talk like I do in the video in my day-to-day life. I’m very dry and sarcastic, so I like the way I was able to showcase that better than I was able to do with the audio only project. I say at the end, “Hope you had fun, I didn’t.” I was originally going to cut out the “I didn’t,” but that really is how I talk and it made me laugh so I kept it in. I actually did have fun making it and editing it. I will admit the whole project should’ve been my draft and I could have improved on it a lot, but in the end my knowledge of Premiere Pro is limited so it would have taken an immense amount of trial and error, and I was already frustrated enough.

In the end I really do like Premiere Pro, but I am used to using iMovie to edit projects. I like iMovie better because it is a lot simpler. I feel more comfortable with the interface. That being said, I feel as if I were to take a 7 week course strictly on how to use Premiere Pro, I would use this program more. It has some cool features I’d like to familiarize myself with in my spare time.

Draft Video

So I’d like to start by saying this isn’t my best work. I was originally going to submit this as my final project, but it just didn’t feel right. It feels very undone and I don’t know if it’s because of the style I used or the length. It just didn’t feel right. It is a one minute video that has the same style as my final project, but it doesn’t have a storyline or subject to the video at all. It’s random clips from my room and of me that I took and smashed together condensed into one minute. I took pretty seriously that my subject of my site is all about me, so I made it just random stuff in my room rather than adding random clips of friends that I love or my family members. I used cmd+k to split the clips, unlinked the audio on the VoiceOvered clips, and just a lot of moving around of the clips. I could have done more for sure.

I wish I knew more about Premiere Pro so that I would have been able to add effects. I really wish that I had made this longer, which I end up doing for my final project, because it was just too short. The problem there is that I don’t know what I would’ve put in the empty space that I had with 2 minutes left. I could have made longer clips of my cat, but there’s only so much I can say about him or a corner of my room. I added a “storyline” to my final project because this really was pretty aimless. I didn’t have much to say, and the time constraint of 3 minutes max. was way too short for me to be able to coherently tell a story. I think that another problem of mine is that I’m not a fan with sharing my life with people I don’t personally know. My social media accounts are mainly private, so the idea that a classmate I don’t know was going to watch this made it super impersonal and awkward to watch.

This video could have potential if I had spent more time thinking about how to go about it, which is totally on me for not dividing my time up well between work, being sick all week, and my other classes. If I were to sit down and think out how to do it, it could have been much more entertaining.

Audio Story Final

My topic is obviously all about me, and the only person who knows me better than I know myself is my dad. My dad and I are best friends, he knows everything about me. So, to find out more about me, who better to ask than myself and my dad. He was more than willing to answer all my questions. I think he was cool to interview because he can remember my life before I can remember it. My earliest memory is from around 8 years old, whereas he can remember my whole life. The “storyline” of questions does go in order of my age. I wanted listeners to feel a personal connection with being able to hear about me from a young age from not only me, but a parental figure that has a calming voice like my dad. It builds the foundation for a personal connection, and makes me seem more accessible and human rather than just an internet presence.

I first used the Notes app on my iPhone to write down 9 questions that I could use for this assignment, but I didn’t let myself write down the answers because I didn’t want to sound too rehearsed or prepared. I didn’t actually prepare myself for any of the questions. I asked myself the question and said the first thing that came to mind. I then used the Voice Memo app on my iPhone to record all of the voice clips I used. I recorded my dad’s voice on the same app. I then input them into Adobe Audition and converted them all from a .m4a to .wav, as .m4a was not compatible. I used mainly the razor tool to cut the “ums” and most “likes” out. I had to split almost all of the clips in order to do so. I also faded the music in and out as best I could.

After receiving my critiques I worked more with the fading of the music, but the music I chose was already somewhat faded when I got it. So it was slightly difficult to work with, I like the music a lot though so I didn’t want to change it. If this were a professional project, I would change the music. But I really liked this music. I did also try to cut out the rest of the “likes,” but some of them meant “as if.” Overall, I’m happy with the outcome and like Audition much more than the other programs. I loved being able to collaborate with my dad on the project and work with the program to manipulate the outcome to what I wanted it to be. I really liked it.

Link to music:

Draft Audio Story

My topic is obviously all about me, and the only person who knows me better than I know myself is my dad. My dad and I are best friends, he knows everything about me. So, to find out more about me, who better to ask than myself and my dad. He was more than willing to answer all my questions. I think he was cool to interview because he can remember my life before I can remember it. My earliest memory is from around 8 years old, whereas he can remember my whole life. The “storyline” of questions does go in order of my age. I wanted listeners to feel a personal connection with being able to hear about me from a young age from not only me, but a parental figure that has a calming voice like my dad. It builds the foundation for a personal connection, and makes me seem more accessible and human rather than just an internet presence.

I first used the Notes app on my iPhone to write down 9 questions that I could use for this assignment, but I didn’t let myself write down the answers because I didn’t want to sound too rehearsed or prepared. I didn’t actually prepare myself for any of the questions. I asked myself the question and said the first thing that came to mind. I then used the Voice Memo app on my iPhone to record all of the voice clips I used. I recorded my dad’s voice on the same app. I then input them into Adobe Audition and converted them all from a .m4a to .wav, as .m4a was not compatible. I used mainly the razor tool to cut the “ums” and most “likes” out. I had to split almost all of the clips in order to do so. I also faded the music in and out as best I could.

Final Logo

This logo is not the one I set out to create, but I personally feel like it’s better. I am absolutely awful with Illustrator and am not expecting to get 120/120 by any means, but I like the final result even if it took me way too long to create for what it is. It’s very me, super childlike. I don’t take life too seriously and honestly if this had to be the logo for my brand, it makes sense. It’s the doodles from my 10th grade notebook along with one of my current favorite colors. It works for me and for who I am. Yes, it could use a lot of work, but I don’t think my skills with Illustrator would improve without attending at least 5 master classes, and I sincerely hope I never have to work with Illustrator again because wow, it’s difficult to use.

In my draft logo I used a circle and used the eraser tool to cut out the middle, but I mentioned in my paragraphs under the draft that I was interested in seeing how it could work with a rectangle, so I did that. I used the Rectangle Tool to create two rectangles, one big and one smaller inside it. I like what I did with the gradients, however I do feel as if it could look a bit smoother around the edges. Figuring out the gradients was probably the most difficult part, I just couldn’t get it to look the exact way I wanted to, close, but not exactly. I did go back and look at the tutorial videos, but it didn’t exactly show me what to do so I stayed pretty confused. After working with the gradients for way longer than I should have, I used the text tool to simply write my name in the middle in large letters like I initially thought to, I want them so large because even when scaled down you’ll be understand what it says. I then used the Paintbrush Tool to draw my little doodles.

All in all, I really like the simplicity of the logo because I like simple. It’s childlike and pink, giving a bit of insight as to who I am. And if who I am hasn’t been assumed by the pink and doodles, I throw it right in your face by having my name written in big, black, uppercase letters. Even the font of the text is simple but not as basic as Times New Roman or Arial. I love my logo and it showcases me well and who I am.

Logo Draft

So obviously this could use a lot of improvement. I used the ellipse tool to make a circle and the text tool to write my name. I wanted it to be like one of the tutorials where one of the shapes was brought to the front, but I couldn’t remember how to do that nor could I figure it out. When I go back to the final logo, I want it to look differently, rather than having used the eraser tool to take the block out where the text is. I’ll probably have to go back and watch a couple of the tutorials, I did try to do this without the use of the tutorials to see how much I could remember. I just want the logo to be very simple with my name because my name is my brand in my situation. My website is meant to be all about me, and this logo includes my name rather than just “ALL ABOUT ME” because that could be about, well, anyone. I want it to be something that could be scaled down small like the YouTubers have in the corner of their videos a lot of the time, like a watermark, but also as the opening card scene (probably with some type of animation). I don’t love the way this came out, but it is what it’s meant to be: a first draft. I definitely need to spend some more time figuring it out than I did with Photoshop. I like the general idea with the circle because it is very simple, but I’m open to suggestions involving how to not use text and still somehow get the idea across that the site is about me and my life. I don’t know if I should stick with the idea of the circle and instead maybe I should use a rectangle or a rectangle inside another rectangle. I’m open to any and all suggestions.